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Frequently Asked
Question |
Q: What is Emulation all about? |
- A: The kind of emulation this site is about, is the practice of
playing old, or new, console games on your computer!!! It allows you to re-live the
classics. Like Mario Brothers, Missile Command, Donkey Kong, Pong, in the arcades,
and play them on your computer using a "Emulator".
Q: What are ROMs? |
- A: ROM stands for "Read Only Memory".
- Which basically means you can't delete it,
- or modify it. A Rom is, (Usually), a exact
- copy of a game that was once on a cartridge,
- and put into a computer. EG: Super Mario
- Brothers was on a cartridge for the Nintendo.
Q: What is a Emulator? |
- A: Emulators are programs that people make
- for your computer, that will load, and play
- the Roms you download. ON YOUR
- COMPUTER!!!! Wh00p!
Q: Are Emulators free? |
- A: Most of them are. In fact, almost all
- emulators are free. To my knowledge, there
- are only a few Emulators that cost money.
- Like bleem!, a Playstation emulator that costs
- 30 dollars. Another commercial
emulator is
- the Magic Engine, it is a emulator for the a
- system made by NEC, called the
Turbo Grafix,
- and that emulator costs somewhere around 35
- dollars. I know there is also and emulator for
- the Gameboy, and another Playstation
- emulator for the MAC.
Q: Is Emulation legal? |
- A: In one word, Yes. Emulation is legal as long
- as you only download the ROMs you own. For
- example, if you own Zelda for Nintendo, you are
- allowed by law to have a backup copy of it. So
- you may download Zelda, and play it to your
- hearts content. :)
Q: Where can I download all this cool stuff? |
- A: Well, there are a lot of places actually. People
- put
them up on web sites, chat rooms, FTP
- servers, newsgroups, bulletin
boards. If you spent
- a little time, I'm sure you could find ROM for that
- game you had long long ago.
Web Page Design and Some of the Graphics Made By
Loopez |